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Yelyzaveta, IOM Slovakia consultant

I used to be an English teacher before the war, and I lost my job on 24 February. When I arrived in Slovakia, I really felt that I needed to help Ukrainians who could face some problems during their stay in a new country.

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IOM released the second displacement analysis of third-country nationals (TCNs) who left Ukraine and arrived in Slovakia and those who exited the country towards Ukraine. The second report covers the period of 24 February – 23 June 2022 (including).

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Jakub, IOM Czechia

It was not difficult for me to decide whether to remain sitting in my duty station in Prague or to directly assist people from Ukraine.

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Thirty Ukrainians learnt about how to look for a job using the Profesia.sk web portal, what not to forget when looking for a job, how IOM Migration Information Centre (IOM MIC) can help them with their first steps in Slovakia and which IOM MIC services non-EU nationals in Slovakia can benefit from.

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On 28 June 2022, senior lawyers of the IOM Slovakia Migration Information Centre trained six lawyers of the Slovak NGO Human Rights League about Slovak labour law. They provide legal counselling to Ukrainian refugees at the Bottova Assistance Centre in Bratislava.

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On 20 and 21 June 2022, IOM Protection Team delivered a training for the workers of the Centre for Children and Families in Medzilaborce, in Eastern Slovakia, working with unaccompanied minors. Altogether 21 different professionals, mostly tutors of unaccompanied minors took part.

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Kristína Lenárt, IOM Slovakia

I joined the International Organization for Migration in April 2022, two weeks after I returned from my volunteering in Ukraine. My desire to make an impact on the lives of people suffering the consequences of the war in Ukraine has brought me where I am today, IOM Slovakia.

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IOM provides mental health and psychosocial support to people fleeing the war and currently living in Slovakia. As part of IOM emergency response, altogether 90 people received psychological first aid, individual psychological counselling or participated in group session to date.

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On 27 June 2022, International Organization for Migration (IOM) Slovakia delivered first batch of non-food humanitarian aid to secure hygienic needs and dignified living conditions for people from Ukraine who have found temporary shelter at the Accommodation Facility in the town Martin, in the premises of a high school dormitory.

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Geneva – More than 5.5 million internally displaced persons (IDPs) have returned to their homes in Ukraine while the overall number of internally displaced persons remains high at over 6.2 million, according to the International Organization for Migration’s (IOM) latest report.