
Knowledge about migration and lives of migrants in Slovakia, better cooperation among institutions and new skills for communication and work with people from other cultures are supposed to help state and self-government employees in their day-to-day work with migrants. Another 39 employees of Alien Police, Labour Offices, District Offices, Labour Inspectorates, Centres for Legal Aid, City Councils and a health insurance company from all over Slovakia took the opportunity of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and participated in the trainings in October 2013. The services of trained employees could smooth the integration of migrants.

The trainings are aimed at helping employees of institutions providing services to migrants from third countries to expand their knowledge about migration in the world and in Slovakia, create an up-to-date image of migrants living in Slovakia, learn about the possibilities of integration of migrants, deepen mutual cooperation and gain new perspectives on the topic of interculturality. The training participants could hear the stories of migrants from Cuba and Cameroon living in Slovakia, who also took part in the trainings. They spoke about their reasons for migration, life of a migrant, about their opinions on Slovak institutions and about what makes their lives in Slovakia easier.



The second part of the trainings - regional workshops for initial training participants - will take place from November 2013 till January 2014. During these workshops, trained participants from various institutions will be providing to migrants counselling about residence, work, doing business in Slovakia and conditions for obtaining Slovak citizenship.

This type of trainings has been organized by IOM since 2010 and so far more than 290 employees of state and public institutions from around the country have participated in them. In the years 2013 and 2014, trainings and workshops are organized by IOM within the project Enhancing Intercultural Competencies and Regional Cooperation of Experts Working with Migrants in the Slovak Republic IV.

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The project is co-funded from the European Union from the European Fund for the Integration of Third-Country Nationals. Solidarity and Management of Migration Flows.