International Organization for Migration (IOM) in cooperation with the Slovak Republic provides third-country nationals without residence permit or unsuccessful asylum seekers assistance with and upon their return back home.
Return home with IOM is voluntary and depends on the free decision of the migrant.
Who can apply for the return?
- Migrants without residence permit in Slovakia
- Asylum seekers who wish to return home
- Unsuccessful asylum seekers
How Can IOM Help?
IOM provides assistance with return home and after the return to migrants based on their individual needs and the assistance may include:
- Provision of information and counselling on return
- Registration into the AVRR programme
- Return preparation
- Assistance with acquiring travel documents
- Food, accommodation, clothes, health care
- Provision of travel tickets to the country of origin
- Assistance at the airport (at departure, in transit countries and upon arrival) and transfer from the airport to home
The reintegration assistance after the return may include:
- Business start-up or entering into partnership with a company
- Material assistance
- Education
- Temporary accommodation assistance
- Training/courses
- Medical assistance
- Other types of assistance (e.g. legal counselling or job search assistance)
There is no legal entitlement for the post return assistance.
Contact us:
For more information contact IOM staff through the low rate AVRR help-line 0850 211 262 or visit our webpage on AVRR:
Information on AVRR Programme to migrants is available in Slovak, English, Russian and Serbian language.
Voluntary Return and Reintegration in Country of Origin (Individual Project). This project is co-funded by the European Union from the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF). Home Affairs Funds.