International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Slovakia offers educational materials for teachers, lecturers, and other professionals working with youth in the area of prevention of human trafficking or those coming into contact with potential victims of human trafficking.
Prevention of Trafficking in Human Beings – training manual
The manual serves as a practical tool for the preparation of educational activities about the risks of human trafficking, safe travelling principles and principles of responsible shopping. Besides the overview of human trafficking issue, the manual offers conrete group activities that can be used while working with the youth and education them how not to become a victim of human trafficking.
Prevention of Trafficking in Human Beings – PDF version.
Safe Travel & Work Abroad – mobile application
The mobile application SAFE is designed mainly for young people and in a form of interactive games it highlights the risks of human trafficking. The app user can choose from four characters and makes decisions that will influence the direction of the story. The application provides vital information about warning signs of human trafficking, tips on safe travel abroad, and it also provides practical information on job placement services or working arrangement and useful contacts in case of emergency.
The mobile application is available for free in the Google Play, App Store (for operation systems Android and iOS) and on the website in addition to Slovak, in 10 other languages: Czech, English, French, German, Hungarian, Polish, Romani, Russian, Serbian and Ukrainian.
Brief manual is available for professionals and introduces two activities that can be used in education about human trafficking.
Manual for the mobile application SAFE Travel & Work Abroad – PDF version.
0800 800 818 – film
The documentary film called ‘0800 800 818’ presents real stories of people who became victims of trafficking. The film reflects the problem of human trafficking for forced labour and forced begging. It reveals traffickers’ tactics and their methods of manipulating potential victims, and explains what to do if somebody becomes a victim of trafficking. Through a fictitious agency the film shows how easy it is to be deceived by traffickers.
Safe Travel – website
The website is a useful source of information for those who want to travel or work abroad. It points out the risks of human trafficking and gives advice on how to avoid them and what to do in a crisis situation. In addition, the website offers information about current events in the human trafficking area as well as the possibility to directly contact IOM staff through the contact form, e-mail or telephone.
How Not to Get Lost in the World – preventive brochure
The brochure is designed for people who plan to travel abroad to find a job. It provides basic information about human trafficking, useful advice before the departure and during the stay abroad, and important contacts of helping organisations and embassies.
How Not to Get Lost in the World – PDF version.
More information on IOM counter-trafficking activities.
IOM activities in the field of counter-trafficking are financed by the Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic, which acts as a coordinating body of comprehensive care provided to the victims of trafficking.
The project Programme of Prevention of Human Trafficking – update of the web site and the brochure How Not to get Lost in the World – was funded by the British Embassy in Bratislava.
The project SAFE – smart, aware, free, enjoy, information campaign to prevent human trafficking was funded by the International Visegrad Fund and by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Bratislava. The project SAFE Work and Travel – Prevention of Trafficking in Human Beings in SK, CZ and PL was funded by the International Visegrad Fund.