Counter-Trafficking in Human Beings

The brief manual introduces the mobile application, provides instructions on how to use it in education about human trafficking and how to inform young people about safe traveling principles. The manual is available in Slovak a English language version. The application is available in 11 languages: Slovak, Czech, English, French, German, Hungarian, Polish, Romani, Russian, Serbian and Ukrainian. Application is available for free in the Google Play, App Store and on the IOM website Manual update: 2021.

Manual is designed for professionals working with young people or with potential victims of human trafficking. Manual will help them introduce what is human trafficking and what the situation in this field looks like in Slovakia and in the world. The manual will help you educate your target group and provide practical tips how to travel and work abroad safely, as well as why it is important to shop responsibly. The manual offers concrete group activities aimed at increasing the awareness about human trafficking and about how not to become a victim of human trafficking.
Slovak version. Manual update: 2021

By reinforcing the knowledge of relevant experts about the issue of human trafficking, this publication helps to implement individual or group prevention, identification of the victims of trafficking and last but not least, to facilitate effective cooperation of subjects involved in placing the victims into the network of help. The publication was compiled by Katarína Kubovičová, IOM Bratislava. Slovak language.

The publication focuses on the early identification of victims of human trafficking among migrants and asylum-seekers in the Slovak Republic. It contains information about the latest practices used on the international level for identification and basic help to victims of human trafficking in the context of migration by the means of providing specific practical tools for identifying, dealing with and then reporting the victims - migrants into the respective system of care. The publication was compiled by the counter-trafficking team of IOM Bratislava. Slovak language.

This prevention brochure is designed for people who plan to travel abroad to find a job. It provides basic information about human trafficking, useful advice before the departure and during their stay abroad and important contacts on helping organisations and embassies. This publication was compiled by the counter-trafficking team of IOM Bratislava. Slovak version (update: March 2016).
In addition, you can read more information on safe traveling and working abroad on the IOM website: (Slovak version).

A documentary film called ‘0800 800 818’ reflects the current trends in human trafficking and is focused on the Slovak victims abroad. Through four real stories the film does not discuss only forced prostitution but also forced labour and forced begging. The aim of the film is to provide preventive information and introduce the possibilities of help to men and women who may have become victims of this crime. The documentary film was created by IOM International Organization for Migration in cooperation with the director Marcel Pázman. The film was made with the financial support of the Government Council for Crime Prevention, the Embassy of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Slovak Audiovisual Fund. Slovak language, English subtitles.

The brochure contains self-identification questions on human trafficking, information about the Programme of Support and Protection of the Victims of Human Trafficking and contacts of non-governmental partner organisations in EU Member States. Information is provided in 15 languages: Slovak, English, French, Vietnamese, Chinese, Russian, Ukrainian, Georgian, Moldovan, Hindi, Persian, Pashto, Urdu, Panjabi, Bengali.