
On Friday 18 October 2013 the Development Day 2013 took place at the Old Market Hall (Stará tržnica) in Bratislava where organizations active in international development cooperation, humanitarian assistance and global education in Slovakia presented their work and results.  International Organization for Migration (IOM) was also present among other organizations involved in helping people and development activities beyond the Slovak borders.  

IOM presentation attracted both young people and adults who wanted to learn more about migration in the world and in Slovakia, who needed to be advised of various aspects of life of migrants, and who were interested in materials and activities which they could use to introduce migration in the school education. A variety of activities waited for playful visitors, with the help of which they could discover how easy it is to create prejudices and stereotypes, and also learn facts and curiosities about migration and various cultures, as well as reasons why people migrate; all in a very intriguing way. After the screening of films Aj my sme tu doma and Vitalie, the audience engaged in a discussion about migration in Slovakia and about the IOM programme that has so far enabled individuals and families from 21 countries around the world to start a new life.




You can see more photos from the event here.

The Development Day 2013 was organized by the Slovak Non-Governmental Development Organizations Platform on the occasion of the International Day against Poverty and the anniversary of the Slovak Official Development Assistance (Slovak Aid), which Slovakia has provided in the world for over 10 years. More on: http://rozvojovyden.mvro.sk.

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The project Voluntary Return and Reintegration in Country of Origin are co-funded by the European Union from the European Return Fund. Solidarity and Management of Migration Flows.

The project IOM Migration Information Centre to Support Integration of Foreigners in Slovakia (Phase VI) is co-funded by the European Union from the European Fund for Integration of Third Country Nationals. Solidarity and Management of Migration Flows.