European Migration Network

A multilingual glossary on migration and asylum prepared in the framework of the European Migration Network. The last update of the glossary from 2014 contains terms translated into 23 European languages including Slovak and is available also as an interactive tool on the European Commission website and as a free mobile application. English version.

Annual reports on migration and asylum policies prepared by the European Migration Network provide an overview of the most important developments in terms of legislative and policy changes as well as changes in approaches in the fields of migration and asylum during the respective year. They also provide an overview of the public discussions, expert meetings, conferences, various projects and provide relevant statistical data in these areas. The reports describe national developments and put them also in the context of the EU policies and legislation. The recent Report covering the year 2019 (English version).

The study presents an overview of the organization of political, legislative and institutional context of migration and asylum in the Slovak Republic from 1993 till the end of July 2014.
Organisational structure of policies, institutions and their interrelations in the area of migration and asylum of third-country nationals in the Slovak Republic is also available. English version, updated: September 2020.
The study and the organisational structure were prepared in the framework of the European Migration Network.

The study provides an overview of policies, legislation and practices of the Slovak Republic towards third-country nationals in a prolonged situation of irregular stay. Considering the pandemic situation, it maps national approach to provision of different types of services for this category of migrants, it identifies the ways of ending the long-term irregular stay and future measures to address the situation of long-term irregular migrants.
English version (available as a questionnaire). Year: 2020
This focused study was prepared in the framework of the European Migration Network.

The study maps the approach of the Slovak Republic to data management in different phases of the asylum procedure during the period 2014-2020. It also provides examples of different aspects of data management, including data cross-checking against national and international databases, data quality accuracy, and data protection issues. The study also examines the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on data management in asylum procedure.
English version (available as a questionnaire). Year: 2020
This focused study was prepared in the framework of the European Migration Network.

The study looks at the strategies and measures taken by the Slovak Republic in order to attract seasonal workers from third countries. It analyses the profile of workers, sectors they work in, to what extent they cover the needs of the Slovak labour market and the impact of COVID-19 pandemics on hiring seasonal workers. The study also maps the application of protective aspects and rights of seasonal workers that stem from the Directive on Seasonal Workers.
English version (available as a questionnaire). Year: 2020
This focused study was prepared in the framework of the European Migration Network.

The study provides a comparative overview of recent trends, legislation, political framework, criteria and processes in the Slovak Republic on the acquisition of citizenship for third-country nationals. It describes how national policies evolved over the past five years in relation to the acquisition of citizenship. The report also informs on the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the processing of applications for citizenship.
English version (available as a questionnaire). Year: 2019
This focused study was prepared in the framework of the European Migration Network.

The study aims to provide an overview of forms of protection granted by the Slovak Republic to the third-country nationals based on the national legislation. It also contains the information on the reasons of being granted the status, procedures, rights, period of validity, etc. It is a partial update of the EMN study entitled The Different National Practices Concerning Granting of Non-EU Harmonised Protection Statuses which was elaborated in 2010.
English version (available as a questionnaire). Year: 2019
This focused study was prepared in the framework of the European Migration Network.

The study identifies the factors, approaches, concrete schemes and measures in the Slovak Republic that influence attracting and retaining innovative entrepreneurs from third countries. The study also explores the role of cities, regions and particular locations as entrepreneurial hubs in attracting start-up founders and employees from third countries.
English version (available as a questionnaire). Year: 2019
This focused study was prepared in the framework of the European Migration Network.

The study offers an overview of the experiences and existing practices regarding beneficiaries of international protection who travel back to their country of origin. The study also examines the motivations and the reasons why the individuals decided to travel. It also looks at how such cases would be assessed by the national authorities in the countries that granted them refugee status.
English version (available as a questionnaire). Year: 2018
This focused study was prepared in the framework of the European Migration Network.

The study explores the impact of visa liberalization in the Slovak Republic as a destination country during the period 2007-2017 in specific areas such as tourism, legal migration, bilateral cooperation, and looks at trends in irregular migration.
English version (available as a questionnaire). Year: 2018
This focused study was prepared in the framework of the European Migration Network.

The study provides an overview of the changes to national strategies, approaches and measures in response to the migratory movements between 2014 and 2016. In particular, the study examines the changes made in the processing of applications for international protection, in the legislation and the content of the protection granted, in the integration measures for asylum seekers. It also looks at the new aspects in border control and law enforcement.
English version (available as a questionnaire). Year: 2017
This focused study was prepared in the framework of the European Migration Network.

The study offers an overview of the main challenges faced by the Slovak authorities in establishing third country national’s identity within the context of various migration procedures namely: international protection, returns (in particular the return of rejected asylum seekers) and legal migration (long-term and short-term visas and temporary residence permits).
This study was prepared in the framework of the European Migration Network. English version (available as a questionnaire).

The study examines and analyzes the measures in Slovak Republic to to fight the illegal employment of third-country nationals, possible problematic areas and obstacles in this field and strategies and good practices to overcome them. The study primarily targets the policy-makers at national and EU-level labour law and experts on the fight against illegal employment and illegal labor migration.
This study was prepared in the framework of the European Migration Network. English version (available as a synthesis report).

The study offers an overview of policies and practices in the SR on the functioning of resettlement, humanitarian admission programmes and private sponsorship schemes for refugees. The study analyses the national political contexts and focuses at methods and criteria used for selecting persons to be resettled, activities undertaken prior to departure to the resettlement country, post-arrival integration measures, challenges and good practices in the implementation of resettlement and humanitarian programmes. English version (available as a questionnaire).
This study was prepared in the framework of the European Migration Network.

The study informs about the Slovak labour migration policy, discussions on labour migration in the Slovak Republic or tools for identification of labour shortages and shortages in qualifications as well as envisaged labour migration needs in the Slovak Republic. Besides that it also analyses available statistical data and forecasts related to labour shortages in the Slovak Republic. English version (available as a questionnaire).
This focused study was prepared in the framework of the European Migration Network.

The study describes institutional and legislative framework of care for unaccompanied children in the Slovak Republic, their entry, reception and integration measures including accommodation and material support, access to legal aid, health care and education. Moreover, the study analyses possibilities of durable solution for unaccompanied minors, the issue of disappearance of minors and their escape from foster homes, existing measures after reaching 18 years of age and their return and reintegration. The study provides relevant statistical information from 2009 to 2013. English version (available as a questionnaire).
This focused study was prepared in the framework of the European Migration Network.

The study focuses on legislative regulation and good practice in the field of detention and alternatives to detention of third-country nationals, while discussing the reasons for detention and release from detention. It provides mapping of the types of detention facilities as well as conditions in detention. The impact of detention and alternatives to detention is analysed in relation to returns and international protection procedures. English version (available as a questionnaire).
This focused study was prepared in the framework of the European Migration Network.

The study analyses to what extent the Slovak Republic uses the entry bans and readmission agreements within its return policy. Specifically, the study describes practical application of both instruments and their synergies with reintegration assistance which ensures sustainable return of irregular migrants to their countries of origin. The text of the study is accompanied by current statistics related to irregular migration and return. English version (available as a questionnaire).
This focused study was prepared in the framework of the European Migration Network.

The study describes the political and legislative measures in the Slovak Republic in the area of attracting highly qualified and qualified workers – third country nationals. It also deals with the issue of effectiveness of such measures and their evaluation. The challenges and barriers for this group of migrants in accessing the Slovak labour market are also described. English version (available as a questionnaire).
This focused study was prepared in the framework of the European Migration Network.

The study deals with the political and legislative framework regulating the participation of third-country nationals in Slovakia´s social security system, their access to various social security benefits and healthcare, and related administrative procedures. It also provides an overview of bilateral agreements that Slovakia has concluded with third countries in the field of social security, and a statistical overview of the number of employed, unemployed, and economically inactive third-country nationals. The publication contains three case studies with an overview of the way of applying for the respective types of benefits as well as of the administrative procedures and decision-making of state authorities related to the granting of the benefits. English version.
This study was prepared in the framework of the European Migration Network.

The study examines how (potential) victims of trafficking in human beings are identified in the Slovak Republic in procedures for international protection and in forced returns of rejected applicants for asylum. The study also provides an overview of how the identification of a (potential) victim of human trafficking results to other residence granting procedures. Furthermore, the study contains information about the numbers of victims identified in this way and about related educational and training activities and manuals for workers coming into contact with (potential) human trafficking victims in international protection or forced returns procedures. English version (available as a questionnaire).
This focused study was prepared in the framework of the European Migration Network.

The study aims at describing the national system of education and relevant legislative measures with the focus on international students – third country nationals as well as the general practice in the Slovak Republic towards this group of international students. The study provides also information on international cooperation and impacts of the mobility of international students onto Slovakia. English version.
This study was prepared in the framework of the European Migration Network.

The study summarises the relevant statistics and legislative framework in the area of establishing identity of third country national, describes the methods of identity detection and deals also with the decision making procedure in this regard. English version (available as a questionnaire).
This focused study was prepared in the framework of the European Migration Network.

The study identifies the scale and scope of two instances of the misuse of the right to family reunification, namely marriages of convenience and false declarations of parenthood of third-country nationals, as a route to settlement in the EU. It informs about the legislative, political and practical measures and available statistical data, and identifies best practice examples in the prevention of and fight against this phenomenon. English version.
This focused study was prepared in the framework of the European Migration Network.

The study provides information on the impact of the Slovak visa policy on the migration flows into the country with a focus on national visas and their role in the regulation process of legal migration and combating irregular migration. It also provides a broad overview and analysis of relevant statistical data. English version.
This study was prepared in the framework of the European Migration Network.

The study aims to describe practical measures in combating irregular migration in the Slovak Republic in the pre-entry phase as well as in the phases of entry and stay of third-country nationals. It provides information on bilateral and multilateral cooperation of the Slovak Republic with other EU and third countries in this area and it summarizes the basic legislation and political documents, as well as the impact of legislation and measures undertaken at EU level. English version.
This study was prepared in the framework of the European Migration Network.

The study providee information on the policies, legislation and strategic documents as well as the upcoming or planned measures in the field of temporary and circular migration and to analyse relevant statistical data available in the Slovak Republic. English version.
This study was prepared in the framework of the European Migration Network.

The study informs about the migration policy of the Slovak Republic with emphasis on the issue of satisfying labour demand through migrants from third countries. The study chgaracterizes strategies, policies and legislation of the Slovak Republic as well as summarizes and analyses statistics on the labour market with regard to migration into the Slovak Republic. English version.
This study was prepared in the framework of the European Migration Network.

The study focuses on national developments concerning the care of unaccompanied minors in the SR from 2002 through June 2009. The study describes the institutional and legislative background of the care of unaccompanied minors in the Slovak Republic, their motivations for entering the country, entry procedures and border controls, reception arrangements and integration measures that are specific to this group of migrants, as well as the return of unaccompanied minors to their countries of origin. English version.
This study was prepared in the framework of the European Migration Network.

The study provides a complex overview of assisted return programmes and relevant strategies in the Slovak Republic and puts forwardan overview of assessments of the assisted return programme and of its effectiveness and sustainability in the Slovak conditions. The study analyses assisted return strategy from the perspective of implementation support and possible obstacles in the implementation of such strategy as well as reasons and motivation of migrants to participate in the assisted return programme and the possible subsequent re-integration. English version.
This study was prepared in the framework of the European Migration Network.

The study describes and analyses the existing legislation and common practices applied in the Slovak Republic in granting of such types of protection to third-country nationals that the European Union has not incorporated in its secondary legislation on migration so far, and where the countries still apply their own procedures – so-called non-harmonised protection statuses. In the Slovak Republic, these include tolerated stay and asylum granted on humanitarian grounds. The study describes the main characteristics as well as the procedures and rights connected with these protection statuses. English version.
This study was prepared in the framework of the European Migration Network.