
Last week IOM organized another workshop for employees of state institutions working with third-country nationals. Representatives from the Foreign Police Department Žilina, Labour Offices in Žilina, Liptovský Mikuláš and Martin, District Office Žilina and from the health insurance company Union participated at the workshop. They gained information from the IOM Migration Information Centre (MIC IOM) Bratislava and Košice about the changes in the Act on Residence of Foreigners and Act on Employment Services. The workshop offered space for presenting the services offered by these institutions to migrants from non-EU countries and for exchange of experience and good practice.

The second part of the workshop was a counselling day for migrants from non-EU countries. A free counselling at one place was offered by officers from the Foreign Police Department, Labour Office and District Office Žilina (Department of State Citizenship and Registry Office and Trade Licensing Office), together with a lawyer from MIC IOM. As many as 20 migrants (or their representatives) came to the event and asked about residence, employment, starting business in Slovakia or getting a Slovak citizenship. The countries of origin ranged from South Korea to Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Iran, India, Egypt to USA.


The workshop is a part of an IOM training programme on migration, migrant integration, intercultural skills and enhancing the regional cooperation. It is the continuation of the initial IOM trainings that took place in October 2013.

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Enhancing Intercultural Competencies and Regional Cooperation of Professionals working with Migrants in the Slovak Republic IV (individual project). The project is co-financed by the European Union from the European Fund for the Integration of Third Country Nationals. Solidarity and Management of Migration Flows.