
In April IOM Bratislava organized two workshops in Trenčín and Dunajská Streda for officers from alien police departments and officials from labour and district offices, insurance company Union and labour inspectorate. The participants gained information on the latest legislative changes (Act on Residenc e of Foreign Nationals and Act on Employment Services), presented the activities and services of their institutions in the field of migration and solved case studies that can be helpful in their future work and communication with third-country nationals.


Since the beginning of this capacity building project for public sector and local government workers in 2010, IOM has organized 20 initial trainings and 12 follow-up workshops in seven regions of Slovakia. More than 440 professionals from key institutions all over Slovakia attended these events.  The participants have an opportunity to expand their knowledge in the field of migration and migrant integration, as well as their intercultural communication skills. All this can be used in their work with migrants and in enhancing cooperation with other institutions providing services for migrants.

Most workshops included a counselling day for migrants. The training and workshop participants – officers from alien police departments, officials from labour and district offices and insurance company, along with lawyers from IOM Migration Information Centre, provided the migrants with information on residence, employment and starting business in Slovakia. Altogether, IOM has organized 9 counselling days in 6 regional capitals of Slovakia. 71 migrants from 21 non-EU countries used this service so far. More information on training professionals working with migrants in Slovakia can be found here: www.mic.iom.sk/dialog.

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Enhancing Intercultural Competencies and Regional Cooperation of Professionals working with Migrants in the Slovak Republic V (Individual project). The project is co-funded by the European Union from the European Fund for the Integration of Third-Country Nationals. Solidarity and Management of Migration Flows.