
One World Film Festival 2013 introduced a documentary film Aj my sme tu doma (We Are At Home Here) that was produced in 2013 by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in collaboration with the film director Marcel Pázman. The film was screened fourth times at the festival and was seen by nearly 400 youths from primary and secondary schools. After each projection they held debates with IOM staff about the film, migration and migrants in Slovakia.




The film We Are At Home Here through personal stories of a Palestinian doctor, a Ukrainian florist and a Vietnamese entrepreneur presents the life of migrants in Slovakia. The attitudes of Slovak public towards migration and migrants are likewise represented in the film. These statements contrasted with well-founded data about current migration in our country. You can see the film and form your own opinion:


If you are interested in inclusion of the topics of migration in the education in an attracting way, IOM published a set of educational materials (only in Slovak): a documentary film, a didactic material and an information poster (all materials only in Slovak). All materials are designed as wide-range presentation tools on migration and migrants within a multicultural education at all levels of formal education and trainings for professionals working with migrants in intercultural skills – read more information.

14th One World Film Festival was carried out by the organisation People in Peril. The festival took place in Bratislava from 21 – 26 November 2013. The main theme of the festival was We are changing the world – about changes in the society that individual or group of people make(s) or can accomplish.