
At the beginning of December 2015, a conference on Integration Programmes for Beneficiaries of International Protection along with an Expert Roundtable was organized by International Organization for Migration (IOM) as the coordinator of European Migration Network (EMN) activities in Slovakia in collaboration with the Migration Office of the Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic.

EMN - Conference on Integration Programmes for Beneficiaries of International Protection, December 2015

Among speakers of the conference which was held on 1 December were experts on integration from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), European Council for Refugees and Exiles (ECRE) and state administration as well as NGOs from Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Austria. On 2 December 2015, the conference was followed by the EMN Expert Roundtable attended by representatives of state institutions, non-profit organizations and academia.

EMN - Conference on Integration Programmes for Beneficiaries of International Protection, December 2015

Both events aimed to create environment for exchanging of know-how presented by foreign and local experts with practical experience in the field of integration of this group of migrants as well as for obtaining recommendations for the Integration Programme of the Slovak Republic for Beneficiaries of International Protection which is being prepared by the Migration Office of the Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic.

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