
Since March 2022, IOM has been supporting refugees with housing. One form of this support is providing material assistance to collective housing facilities that have welcomed refugees since the beginning of the war.




New Beds for Better Living Conditions

With funding from the German Federal Foreign Office (GFFO), IOM provided two collective housing facilities in Bratislava with new beds, including complete bedding sets (mattresses, duvets, and covers). These facilities have been offering shelter for nearly three years to the most vulnerable individuals, such as seniors, people with disabilities, and mothers with children who fled the war in Ukraine. Most of the residents come from occupied territories or areas affected by active conflict.

Originally designed for short-term accommodation, these facilities now face higher demands for room equipment due to long-term stays. Thanks to the bed replacement, living conditions have improved for more than 250 people.

"It’s not just about things. It’s about warmth, joy, and gratitude. That’s when I know we’re doing work that matters. That’s why I love it." – Katia, Emergency Response Unit - Shelter Team, IOM Slovakia




Winter Assistance for Refugees

In early February, IOM Slovakia delivered winter supplies to over 100 migrants from Ukraine living in collective housing in Bratislava. Seniors, people with disabilities, mothers, and children received warm clothing, underwear, and health items like thermometers to help them stay safe and healthy during the cold months. The distribution took place in the presence of the German Ambassador to Slovakia, Mr. Thomas Kurz, as this support was made possible thanks to GFFO.




Support for Vulnerable People in Trnava and Other Slovak Towns

Hygiene kits with household essentials provided vital support for refugees from vulnerable groups. In addition to material aid, they also received useful information and emotional support to help them navigate difficult life situations.

"Soap, a thermometer, or a pillow might seem small, but for refugees, it means a lot. It becomes something of their own—something they couldn’t take with them when they fled." – Nina, Emergency Response Unit, IOM Slovakia





This kind of assistance would not be possible without our partners who contribute to improving the lives of people in need. We extend our sincere gratitude to GFFO for their continuous support and collaboration.
