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- Category: ACTIVITIES
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Assisted Voluntary Returns and Reintegrations (AVRR)
The AVRR Programme is designed for unsuccessful asylum applicants and irregular migrants who wish to return from Slovakia to their country of origin. IOM provides them with return counselling, programme registration, assistance with obtaining travel documents, return assistance as well as reintegration in the country of origin.
Migrant Integration – IOM Migration Information Centre (MIC)
MIC provides comprehensive legal, social and labour counselling contributing to effective social, economic and cultural integration of migrants in Slovakia. It provides contributions for educational and retraining courses; organises open Slovak language courses alongside with courses of socio-cultural orientation for migrants as well as promotes cooperation with migrant communities and intercultural exchange.
Counter-Trafficking in Human Beings
IOM carries out information campaigns, preventive activities and educates and strengthens the capacity of government experts and helping organizations aimed at potential victims of trafficking.
European Migration Network (EMN) – National Contact Point for the Slovak Republic
The EMN provides up-to-date, objective, reliable and comparable information on migration and asylum with a view to support policymaking in the EU. The EMN responds to information needs through reports, studies, ad-hoc queries, policy briefs, EMN Bulletin and expert meetings. IOM is the coordinator of the EMN National Contact Point in the Slovak Republic.
Resettlement of Refugees
Based on the treaty with UNHCR and IOM, the Slovak Republic provides a temporary shelter to refugees who are to be transferred from refugee camps to a new country. IOM is responsible for the transportation of refugees from a refugee camp to the Slovak Republic and from the Slovak Republic to the country of resettlement, as well as for security interviews, medical examinations and cultural orientation courses.