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- Category: European Migration Network
- Hits: 19035
The European Migration Network (EMN) is the EU initiative, aim of which is to meet the information needs of the European Union institutions and its Member States’ and Norway’s authorities by providing up-to-date, objective, reliable and comparable information on migration and asylum, with a view to support policy-making on national and EU level in these areas. In addition, the EMN also focuses on providing this information to the public..
The legal basis of the EMN is formed by the Council Decision 2008/381/EC of 14 May 2008. The EMN activity is coordinated by the European Commission (namely Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs) in cooperation with the EMN National Contact Points (NCPs) designated by the EU Member States and Norway which are at the same time creating national networks composed of a broad spectrum of stakeholders.
The EMN National Contact Point (EMN NCP) for the Slovak Republic is composed of institutions designated by the Agreement between the Government of the Slovak Republic and International Organization for Migration (IOM) on coordination of the EMN activities of 20 July 2009. These institutions are:
- International Organization for Migration (IOM) – Office in the Slovak Republic (coordinator of the EMN NCP for the Slovak Republic);
- Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic (Migration Office of the Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic, Bureau of Border and Alien Police of the Police Corps Presidium, Department of International and European Affairs of the Office of the Minister of Interior);
- Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic;
- Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic.
The EMN activities in the Slovak Republic are financed by the European Union and by the state budget of the Slovak Republic (chapter Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic) and they include mainly:
- Preparation of annual policy reports on migration and asylum;
- Preparation of studies on selected topics in terms of secondary research;
- Management of the EMN ad-hoc queries mechanism;
- Building contacts at national and international level.
Contact information:
EMN National Contact Point for the Slovak Republic
International Organization for Migration (IOM) – Office in the Slovak Republic
Grösslingová 35, 811 09 Bratislava, Slovakia
Tel.: 00421 2 5262 3335
Fax: 00421 2 5263 0093
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
All EMN outputs are available on: www.emn.sk; www.ec.europa.eu/emn.
EMN activities in Slovakia are funded by the European Union’s Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund and co-funded by the Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic.
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- Category: European Migration Network
- Hits: 11574
The main EMN activities in 2023 are as follows:
Exchange of information through EMN ad-hoc queries system
The ad-hoc queries system serves the EMN National Contact Points (NCPs) and the European Commission in order to quickly obtain information on migration and international protection topics, such as e.g. legal migration, irregular migration, borders, returns, visas etc. The comparative compilations are elaborated from the collected responses to ad-hoc queries, and they are published in thematic categories on the EMN central website.
Preparation of studies and annual reports
The EMN focuses on collecting, analysing and providing information and data. Every year it prepares the Annual Reports on Migration and Asylum, which describes the most important developments of the policies and legislation, on-going public debates about migration and international protection in the respective Member States and at the EU level and provides an overview of selected statistical data.
The EMN also prepares studies on topics specifications of which are agreed by the Member States and the European Commission based on the relevance of topics to policy-makers at national and European level. Based on the national reports and studies prepared by the EMN NCPs the European Commission prepares synthesis reports which summarize the main findings.
In 2023, the EMN is working on the following studies and annual reports*:
- Integration of international protection applicants in the labour market
- Reception conditions of applicants of international protection: challenges, policies and practices in EU member states and associated costs
- The application of the Temporary Protection Directive: lessons learnt after the first year
- Illegal employment of third-country nationals: 2017 - 2022 situational analysis
- Annual report on migration and asylum in 2022
* The titles of the studies are preliminary.
Preparation of EMN Informs
The EMN Informs are focused on a particular issue and contain key findings and conclusions from reports, studies or EMN ad-hoc queries for policy-makers.
Preparation of EMN Quarterly
The EMN Quarterly informs about actual situation, outputs and statistics in the fields of migration, integration and international protection at EU and Member State level.
Extension of EMN Asylum and Migration Glossary
The EMN translation and expository Glossary encompasses terms and definitions on migration and international protection in 23 European languages including Slovak. The Glossary contains more than 550 terms. This year, EMN continues to prepare the Slovak version of the dictionary. The Glossary is available in the printed format, as an online publication on the European Commission website and as a free mobile application.
Capacity building and networking at national and at European level
EMN Slovakia regularly organises various events for the expert and lay public for instance conferences, expert and educational seminars, working breakfasts and presentation meetings.
At European level, the EMN cooperates with international organisations, agencies and other institutions working in the area of migration and international protection. Among these are the EU agencies – EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA), the European Union Asylum Agency (EUAA), FRONTEX and Eurostat.
In 2023, EMN Slovakia plans to hold a number of expert meetings (e.g. with the representatives of the Migration Office of the Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic, Bureau of Border and Foreign Police of the Police Corps Presidium, etc.), working meeting and the 9th EMN Educational Seminar on Migration. At European level, the Slovak Republic will participate in regular coordination meetings organised by the European Commission, as well as in expert meetings and conferences organised by the National Contact Points in other EMN Member States.
Regular and updated information on the EMN activities in the Slovak Republic can be obtained through EMN e-newsletter or through the website www.emn.sk.
EMN activities in Slovakia are funded by the European Union and co-funded by the Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic.