Sherzod came to Slovakia with one goal - to work as a driver and support his wife and three children back in Uzbekistan. His friends had told him about opportunities here, and he was ready to build a better future. But things did not go as planned. He found himself in Slovakia staying irregularly with no financial means to leave the country and had to return home sooner than expected.
© International Organization for Migration (IOM) 2025
At first, he doubted that an organization like IOM could help. It seemed unlikely that someone would assist him so thoroughly, free of charge, ensuring a smooth and dignified return. Only as he stood at the airport with all his documents in order, ready to fly home, he truly realized it was real. In addition to flight tickets, IOM also covered costs for his food while he was waiting for his return flight.
Despite the challenges, Sherzod appreciated the kindness he experienced in Slovakia. Now, he looks forward to reuniting with his family and enjoying a warm, home-cooked meal.
© International Organization for Migration (IOM) 2025
With the support of IOM Slovakia´s Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration (AVRR) programme, Sherzod’s journey home was not only possible but also smooth, professional, and handled with care. Like him, many others needing assistance can find a way home with dignity and support. IOM is here to help.
You can find detailed information about the AVRR programme on the website