Bratislava, 27. augusta 2012 – Aktualizovaná webová stránka IOM Medzinárodnej organizácie pre migráciu (IOM) pomáha cudzincom, ktorí sa na Slovensku ocitnú v neriešiteľnej situácii a rozhodnú sa vrátiť domov.
Bratislava, 8. júna 2012 – V nedeľu 10. júna sa v Grassalkovichovej záhrade v Bratislave po úspešnom minulom ročníku opäť uskutoční Gastrofestival komunít migrantov. Cudzinci z rôznych krajín, ktorí žijú na Slovensku, na ňom predstavia svoju kultúru tradičnými jedlami a hudobnými vystúpeniami.
Bratislava, 21. mája 2012 – IOM Medzinárodná organizácia pre migráciu v spolupráci s režisérom Marcelom Pázmanom vytvorili nový film 0800 800 818, ktorý odhaľuje akútny problém našej spoločnosti: obchodovanie s ľuďmi.
Bratislava, 16. apríla 2012 – IOM Medzinárodná organizácia pre migráciu vás pozýva na multiCOOLtúrny večer s názvom „Aj my sme tu doma“ s programom, ktorý predstaví kultúry cudzincov žijúcich na Slovensku. Okrem hudobných, tanečných a iných vystúpení môžete ochutnať tradičné pokrmy svetových kuchýň. Podujatie sa uskutoční 19. apríla 2012 o 20. hodine v Kultúrnom centre Dunaj v Bratislave. Vstup na akciu je otvorený pre verejnosť.
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Employing foreigners in Slovakia has some pitfalls as well as positive aspects for employers. Foreign nationals living in Slovakia, or those seeking to come here for work, are highly motivated to find and keep a job or to improve their qualifications. Foreign nationals can bring new ideas to workplaces and enrich their colleagues by their knowledge of different cultural and work experiences. When hiring a foreigner, an employer also acquires an employee who has mastered several languages, which can help in communication with customers in other parts of the world.
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Falling into a trap set by human traffickers changed his life. Július, a man in his fifties, accepted an opportunity to leave a region of Slovakia with high unemployment to earn some money abroad. Everything seemed to be all right, his future employer even drove him by car to Italy. Upon arrival, however, he was confronted with the reality that rather than the promised job on a construction site he was forced to beg and collect money for his captors. Having no place to sleep, living on the street in the same clothes with little food, and under permanent threat from his captors, Július suffered greatly until he was rescued by Slovak tourists who took him to a local police station.
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Although hundreds of Slovaks leave the country every year to look for a better future abroad, Fernando, a young man from Guatemala, found happiness in Slovakia after he fell in love with a Slovak woman, the Slovak traditional dish, bryndzové halušky, and the cold weather.
Bratislava, 22. septembra 2011 – V roku 2010 pomohla IOM Medzinárodná organizácia pre migráciu pri návrate zo Slovenska do krajiny pôvodu 127 migrantom. Návraty a následnú reintegráciu uskutočnila organizácia v rámci programu asistovaných dobrovoľných návratov.
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Slovakia might not be the first-choice destination for students seeking an international experience during their studies but nevertheless a fair number of students from all parts of the world are living, studying, and sometimes also staying to work in one of Slovakia’s cities.
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Seeking a place where he could feel safe Abdi, a young Somali refugee, was smuggled last year to territory near the Slovak-Ukraine border where, exhausted from crossing mountains for three days, he was caught by Slovakia’s border police.