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On 30 November 2022, IOM delivered personal hygiene supplies to the Cultural centre Aktivity in Trencin. They will serve people fleeing the war in Ukraine, mostly women, children and elderly who came to Slovakia. The delivery contained 7,730 pieces of hygienic items, such as soaps, toothpaste, toothbrushes, toilet paper and shampoos.

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Fifty-nine per cent of those interviewed who fled from Ukraine to Slovakia indicated they would return to Ukraine once it was safe, according to IOM Slovakia data. Fifteen per cent of them intended to stay in Slovakia in the long term and 21 per cent did not know their long-term plans.

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On 4 November 2022, IOM made a donation to the Emergency House in Lamac in Bratislava that can provide temporary housing to 50 displaced people from Ukraine. The delivery was organized in the coordination with the District of Lamac.

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Since 22 November 2022, IOM has distributed black felted boots to people over 60 years that fled the war in Ukraine and found a safe shelter in the Gabcikovo Accommodation Facility.

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Thanks to the cooperation of IOM and the Cultural centre Aktivity, people who fled the war in Ukraine and currently live in Trencin region will be better prepared for the winter months coming.

Medzinárodná organizácia pre migráciu (IOM) ako koordinátor Európskej migračnej siete (EMN) na Slovensku organizuje národnú konferencia EMN Slovensko Dôstojné pracovné podmienky ako nástroj boja proti modernému otroctvu, ktorá sa uskutoční 1. decembra 2022 v Bratislave.

IOM filmom Dážď, čo sa nikdy nekončí upozornila na zraniteľnosť a osudy cudzincov, ktorí sa na území iných štátov ocitajú v konfliktoch, a na utečencov, ktorí počas svojho života musia pred vojnou utekať aj niekoľkokrát.

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In response to the vulnerability of people fleeing the war in Ukraine, often in desparate situation seeking for refuge and jobs to cover their vital needs and earn a livelihood, IOM in collaboration with the National Labour Inspectorate trained altogether 75 inspectors from Labour Inspectorates.

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On 4 October 2022, IOM delivered medical equipment and medical supplies to the Gabcikovo Accommodation Facility currently hosting almost 1,000 people who fled the war in Ukraine.

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On 20 October 2022, IOM and IPčko teams in Kosice organized an event for Ukrainian children who together with their mothers fled the war in Ukraine. Children took part in an interactive activity using pictures to learn a narrative form of speaking.