
The IOM Migration Information Center (MIC) has prepared a series of events called Welcoming Slovakia. Their goal is to provide practical and useful information for foreigners living in Slovakia. The events also create space for cultural exchange, sharing and networking between people from the communities of foreigners and Slovak public.

The EMN Discussion Evening Refugee Camp – My Home hosted an interesting guest - Kilian Kleinschmidt who during 2013 – 2014 managed Za'atari refugee camp under UNHCR in Jordan. During the event on 4 July 2017 in kino Lumière in Bratislava, he introduced his innovative ideas, inter alia, that we should start thinking about refugee camps as about future cities.

The EMN Educational Seminar on Migration dealt with the topic Addressing the Needs of Forced Migrants in the 21st Century. During 3 to 5 July 2017, more than 60 participants had the opportunity to listen to and discuss with 17 experts from international organisations, institutions and non-governmental organisations.

IOM provided advice to 1,607 clients and services to other foreigners in their integration into Slovakia, assisted 26 migrants with returning home from Slovakia, arranged the preparation and transfer of 40 refugees during their resettlement through Slovakia to the US and Sweden and held a conference and other activities as the coordinator of activities of the European Migration Network (EMN) in Slovakia.

The European Migration Network (EMN) study Changes in Immigration Status in the Slovak Republic deals with a legal framework regulating possibilities for changes of immigration status of third-country nationals while staying in the territory of the Slovak Republic. Furthermore, you can find here the scope of rights which the applicants acquire during changes of their status in comparison to previous applications.

This study has been compiled by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) Slovakia which is the coordinator of the National Contact Point of the European Migration Network (EMN) for the Slovak Republic (SR).

On 23 March 2017, experts from Austria, the Czech Republic, Germany, Slovakia, Sweden and European Commission brought knowledge and experience with refugee integration during the conference in Bratislava on The Role of Municipalities in the Integration of Refugees which was organised by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) as the coordinator of the European Migration Network (EMN) National Contact Point for the Slovak Republic.

IOM the Netherlands has launched a European digital platform www.FromSkills2Work.eu to help employers, migrants and helping organisations improve labour market access of residence permit holders in the Netherlands, Slovakia and other seven EU member states: Belgium, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Slovenia, Spain, and the United Kingdom.

Check out interesting facts and latest news about the activities and services of IOM in Slovakia – released in the latest issue of the newsletter IOM in Slovakia 1/2017: https://goo.gl/0ZoUm1.

If you wish to receive the IOM Slovakia Newsletter directly to your e-mail, you can subscribe here: https://iom.sk/en/publications/subscribe-to-iom-slovakia-newsletter.html.

International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Slovakia offers educational materials for teachers, lecturers, and other professionals working with youth in the area of prevention of human trafficking or those coming into contact with potential victims of human trafficking.

Internation Organization for Migration (IOM) has developed a brief manual for teachers, lecturers and professionals working in the area of prevention. The manual introduces the application SAFE Travel & Work Abroad and provides simple instructions and activities on how to educate youth about human trafficking and safe travelling principles with the use of mobile phones, tablets or website.