International Organization for Migration - International Organization for Migration
Category: Migrant Integration
Hits: 11424

International Organization for Migration (IOM) in collaboration with a film, director Marcel Pázman created a documentary We are at home here, which through specific story lines of three migrants from different cultures – a Palestinian doctor, Florist from Ukraine and an entrepreneur from Vietnam – talks about the life of migrants in Slovakia. The film also uses footage of public opinion surveys that took place in the streets, asking people to express their attitudes on migrants in Slovakia. On the other hand, the film brings substantiated information based on which it portrays the reality of migration in Slovakia.

See the film and make your own opinion:

The film is also available on the IOM YouTube website, from where it may be directly projected. The film is part of the IOM educational materials on migration.

The film is freely usable and distributable for the purpose of its non-commercial use for educational purposes in schools, in training of intercultural skills and for its public presentation with the aim to support the creation of an well-informed public opinion on migration and migrants, for the debate on migration and migrants, to get rid of stereotypes and myths and to prevent manifestations of intolerance, discrimination and xenophobia in the society. No part of the film or the film as a whole may be reproduced for any other purpose, stored in search engines or distributed in any way and in any form without prior consent of IOM.

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Implemented with the financial support of the Government Office of the Slovak Republic within the framework of the Grant Programme Promotion and Protection of Human Rights and Freedoms. Only International Organization for Migration is responsible for the content of this document.

Production of film was financially supported by the Slovak Audiovisual Fund.

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