International Organization for Migration - International Organization for Migration
Category: Migrant Integration
Hits: 14922

If you are a citizen of a non-EU country, you may use the following free services of the IOM Migration Information Centre (MIC):

Legal counselling

We will advise you in the matters regarding residence, employment, business, family reunion, housing, social security, health care and health insurance, education, citizenship and other fields of life and residence of foreign nationals in Slovakia.

Labour and social counselling

We will help you to navigate on the labour market, with your job search, with the preparation of your CV and cover letter, in communicating with your employer, to prepare for a job interview, in contacting the Authorities and also in the process of arranging social security benefits.

Support of education and retraining of foreign nationals

We will help you to correctly asses your skills and qualifications and also to seek training and retraining courses and to obtain information on study in Slovakia. We also provide allowance towards the completion of an educational/retraining course in different fields.

Slovak language courses for foreign nationals

We also provide language training for foreign nationals. You may attend our free Slovak language courses in Bratislava and Kosice.

Courses of social and cultural orientation in Slovakia

We organize courses that will help you to navigate in important fields of life in Slovakia and will facilitate your first steps in our country.

Support of the life of foreigners in Slovakia

We have had a long-term cooperation with the representatives of migrant associations and communities in Slovakia – cultural mediators who support social life of the community, help their fellow countrymen and also organize multicultural events, which subsequently help to introduce the culture of the country of their origin to the public and by doing so, are creating space for mutual understanding between foreign nationals and the majority society.

More information

You may use these services personally at MIC offices in Bratislava on Grösslingová Street 35 and in Košice on Floriánska Street 19. You may also contact MIC staff by telephone on our information helpline 0850 211 478 or by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Further information may also be found on the MIC website www.mic.iom.sk.

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Migration Information Centre to Support Integration of Migrants in Slovakia (phase IX, Individual Project). The project is co-funded by the European Union from the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF). Home Affairs Funds.

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