International Organization for Migration - International Organization for Migration
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International Organization for Migration (IOM) published a set of educational materials on migration: a documentary film, a didactic material, an information poster and a series of podcasts Aj my sme tu doma (We are Also at Home Here), along with tips for accompanying activities for the podcasts.

The educational materials serve as a wide-range presentation tool to the introduction of migration and migrants to the public. It should help especially teachers and lecturers when introducing migration into multicultural education at all levels of formal education and into trainings in intercultural skills of professionals working with migrants.

Didactic material

The didactic material "We are at home here" is designed to be used by teachers and lecturers. It provides them with flexible, user-friendly material with evidence-based information, activities and references to other resources, which can be easily used in an interesting way to introduce the topic of migration and integration into education.

IOM - Didactic material We Are At Home Here - Educational Material on Migration

The material introduces definitions of basic terminology on migration and integration of migrants in the world and in Slovakia, and it presents the results of representative public opinion research on migration and migrants. The material also provides instructions on how to work  with the film "We are at home here" and it includes interactive activities to be used before and after the film screening which should engage the audience in the topic, raise awareness of migration issues and help to form opinion on migration.

Documentary film

The documentary "We are at home here" reflects the attitudes of the Slovak public towards migrants and through personal stories of a Palestinian doctor, florist from Ukraine and Vietnamese entrepreneur it introduces the life of migrants in Slovakia. Apart from the reality the film also presents interesting facts on migration and migrants living here. The documentary film can be projected directly from this site:

The film is also available in HD quality at the IOM YouTube site.

The Poster

This poster "We are at home here" promotes the topic of migration and migrant integration. It can be printed and displayed on its own or it can be complemented with further information and photos related to migration and integration.

IOM - Poster We Are At Home Here - Educational Material on Migration


In the series of podcasts We Are Also At Home Here (Aj my sme tu doma) you will get to know several countries of the world through interviews with people who were born there and later decided to live in Slovakia. The guests of the podcasts introduce to you India, Nepal, Kazakhstan, Northern Macedonia and Ukraine. You will learn more about their country of origin, culture, customs and traditions, holidays or gastronomy.

IOM - Educational Materials on Migration - Logo IOM Slovakia Podcasts

Listen to the IOM Slovakia Podcasts: https://iomslovakia.podbean.com.

Tips for activities with the podcasts

Accompanying activities for the IOM Podcasts are available for both educators and trainers. They can be used, for example, in the global education of secondary school students: how to introduce the podcasts, how to use them to determine and expand the knowledge about different countries, how to lead a discussion about life in these countries and about migration and foreigners in Slovakia.

IOM - Educational Materials on Mirgation - Accompanying activities for the IOM Slovakia Podcasts

Download the Tips for Accompanying Activities.

All these educational materials can be used freely and disseminated for non-commercial use for the purpose of intercultural education, trainings in intercultural skills and for public presentation as a means of contributing to forming of an informed public opinion on migration and migrants, stimulating discussion on migration and migrants and, thus, contributing to removing stereotypes and myths in society and preventing of bias, intolerance, discrimination and xenophobia. No educational materials or any part of them may be reproduced, stored in a search engine, disseminated or transmitted in any form, or by any means, without the prior written permission of IOM.

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