International Organization for Migration - International Organization for Migration
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Slovakia is not one of the traditional final destinations for migrants. It is a culturally homogeneous country, which was not affected by the dramatic increase in migration during the twentieth century. Until recently, Slovakia was almost exclusively the country of origin of the migrants, in other words, a country whose residents used to migrate abroad for various reasons.

It was the accession of the Slovak Republic (SR) to the European Union (EU) and the Schengen Area that caused more significant changes. During the period since 2004, illegal and asylum migration has decreased and legal migration has increased eight times. Although the increase in foreign population in Slovakia in the years 2004 – 2008 was the second highest among the EU states, the representation of foreigners in the population remains low. Today foreigners make up 5.13 per cent of the population and their number is slowly, yet continuously increasing: in December 2022, there were about 111 076 more foreigners living in Slovakia than the year before, which means an increase of 66.3 %.which has been caused mainly by the influx of people from Ukraine.

In addition to migration based on social reasons, such as family reunification or marriage to a Slovak citizen, the most significant component of legal migration to Slovakia is currently migration for business purposes, work and study.

(Unless otherwise stated, the following statistics were updated as of 31 December 2022.)


278,595: The number of foreigners with residence permits in Slovakia in December 20222

3.: Out of all the EU countries, Slovakia has the third lowest proportion of foreigners4

67.5 %: The proportion of Austrian, Czech, Hungarian, Polish and Ukrainian citizens in the total population of foreigners in the SR6

20 %: The citizens of the EU countries account for one-fifth of all foreigners in Slovakia

1/2: The proportion of Ukrainians in the total number of foreigners in Slovakia (56.3 %); Ukrainians are the most numerous group of foreigners in Slovakia both from the EU and outside the EU8

79.9 %: The proportion of non-EU nationals in the overall number of foreigners in Slovakia

87,998: The number of foreign employees in the SR in December 20229

11 791: The number of foreigners who in 2022 illegally crossed the borders or illegally resided in the territory of the Slovak Republic13

547: The number of applications for asylum in the SR in 202215

1 Bureau of Border and Alien Police of the Presidium of the Police Force (BBAP P PF) – Statistical Overview of Legal and Illegal Migration in the Slovak Republic in 2021 and 2022 (http://www.minv.sk/?rocenky)
2 BBAP P PF – Overview of Legal and Illegal Migration in the Slovak Republic 2022 (https://www.minv.sk/swift_data/source/policia/hranicna_a_cudzinecka_policia/rocenky/rok_2021/2021-rocenka-UHCP-SK.pdf)
3 Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic – Stock of the population in the SR on 31st December 2022 (5,428,792) (https://slovak.statistics.sk/LinkComposer/lc?l=SK_INF&c=05493527-5302-4b03-b766-a30e20902800)
4 Eurostat – Population by citizenship and residence – Foreigners (Statistics as of 1 January 2021) (https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/databrowser/view/tps00001/default/table?lang=enhttps://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/databrowser/view/tps00157/default/table?lang=en and https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/databrowser/view/tps00178/default/table?lang=en)
5 UNHCR - Operational Data Portal: Ukraine Refugee Situation (https://data.unhcr.org/en/situations/ukraine)

6 Look at [2]
7 Look at [2]
8 Look at [2]
9 Central Office of Labour, Social Affairs and Family - Employment of foreigners in the Slovak Republic for the year 2022, December 2022 (https://www.upsvr.gov.sk/buxus/docs/statistic/cudzinci/2022/cudzinci_2212.xlsx)
10 Statistical Office of the SR – Employment in 2022 (2,488,000, after deducting people working abroad) (https://www.susr.sk/LinkComposer/lc?l=SK_INF&c=1110dcef-9bde-4c43-bce9-1ea2cd55a7c2).
11 Look at [9]
12 Look at [9]
13 Look at [2]
14 BBAP P PF – Statistical Overview of Legal and Illegal Migration in the Slovak Republic (from 2000 – 2021) (http://www.minv.sk/?rocenky)
15 Migration Office of the Ministry of Interior of the SR – Statistical overview of asylum seekers as of December 2021 (https://www.minv.sk/?statistiky-20&subor=433405) and Statistical report for 2022 (https://www.minv.sk/?statistiky-20&subor=468036)
16 Statistics of the Migration Office of the Ministry of Interior of the SR (http://www.minv.sk/?statistiky-20)
17 Look at [15]

Last updated on 27 March 2023.

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